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Smoothie Ingredients to Benefit MS Patients

Four of the best ingredients to include in smoothies for MS.
  • FLAXSEED Flaxseeds have a combination of omega 3 fats and omega 6 fats. These fats are important for the nervous system. The extra fiber provided by the flaxseeds also is beneficial for colon health. In smoothies, add 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds; you won’t need more than this. As an alternative, you could always eat the flaxseeds – chewing them for as long as you can before you swallow them.

  • CHIA SEED These are vastly different than flaxseeds, as they are small and round, somewhat similar to poppy seed. Chia seeds are high in protein and contain essential fats, too. One tablespoon is enough in a smoothie, or chew them before you make your smoothie!

  • STRAWBERRY and BLUEBERRIES Strawberries and blueberries are high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that is exceptionally necessary for brain functions. Vitamin C quenches free radicals that can damage the myelin sheath on the nerves. Slowing down the damage on the nerves is critical for being able to start the repair process.

  • YOGURT or KEFIR MILK Your immunity depends a lot upon the bacteria already in your gut. The bacteria in the gut comes from the existing bacteria living there that reproduce and from foods and beverages such as water. Fruits and vegetables are not sterile; they come along with a whole spectrum of friendly bacteria that feed your gut. These friendly bacteria also connect directly to the immune system. Every multiple sclerosis patient should consider the importance of boosting their immune system. Multiple sclerosis isn’t usually what kills someone with the disease; an infection does.Adding yogurt or kefir milk to a smoothie provides the good bacteria that you need for the gut to help enhance your immune system functions.


  • Starting with either yogurt or kefir milk, add 1 cup to your blender. Flavored yogurt is fine, although using plain yogurt is best because you can further alter and control the flavor of your final smoothie much better.

  • Next add half a tablespoon chia seeds and flaxseeds both.

  • Then add ¾ cup strawberries or blueberries.

  • Next consider the type of flavoring your loved one might enjoy. Mint is always a delight if someone is a mint lover. You could add a handful of mint leaves or ¼ teaspoon mint extract. Almond extract or vanilla may also be added; use ½ teaspoon of either or both of them. You may even opt to add ½ teaspoon ginger powder, cinnamon, or even fresh basil for a blast of unexpected flavor.

  • Next add 1 cup ice cubes.

  • Blend.

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