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Articles, links, and research highlighting dosage recommendations, benefits, and tips for exercising safely.




Resistance training improves gait kinematics in persons with multiple sclerosis.

Gutierrez GM et al.

Strength training may be an effective intervention strategy for improving walking and functional ability in moderately disabled persons with MS.

Effects of intermittent versus continuous walking on distance walked and fatigue in persons with multiple sclerosis: a randomized crossover trial.

Karpatkin et al.

Those with MS "walked farther, and with less fatigue, when walking intermittently rather than continuously. Persons with MS may be able to tolerate a greater dose of walking training if the walking bouts are intermittent." 

Randomized controlled trial of physical activity, cognition, and walking in multiple sclerosis.

Sandroff BM et. al.

"The current study supports physical activity as a promising tool for managing cognitive impairment and impaired walking performance in persons with MS, and suggests that physical activity might have specific effects on cognition and non-specific effects on walking performance in this population."


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Effect of Aquatic Exercise Training on Fatigue and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Kargarfard M. et al.

The findings of this study suggest that aquatic exercise training can effectively improve fatigue and health-related quality of life of female patients with MS.


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Exercise training improves depressive symptoms in people with multiple sclerosis: Results of a meta-analysis

Ensari I, Motl RW, and Pilutti LA

"Exercise training can yield a small, yet statistically significant and reliable reduction in depressive symptoms for people with MS."

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